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Click/tap to download the Stallholder Registration Form (PDF) and the Risk Assessment Form (PDF) both of which must be completed and returned by post with the appropriate payment to the address provided on the forms.

Dear Enquirer
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Spencers Wood Carnival, which will take place on Saturday, 16th September, 2023 on the Recreation Ground, Clares Green Road, Spencers Wood.
The cost of a stall is £30 for commercial stallholders £15 for not-for-profit organisations and £150 for catering pitches, payable in advance via bank transfer.
The size of the pitch is sufficient for a 3m2 gazebo. If you require more space than this, please indicate this on your application form.
You will need to bring with you on the day everything you need for your stall, including tables, chairs, gazebos etc. The fair will open to the public at noon and we will be on hand from 8am for setting up.
Please email us at to book a stall.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Eaves
Debbie Johnson-Wait
Dear Enquirer
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Spencers Wood Carnival, which will take place on Saturday, 16th September, 2023 on the Recreation Ground, Clares Green Road, Spencers Wood.
The cost of a stall is £30 for commercial stallholders £15 for not-for-profit organisations and £150 for catering pitches, payable in advance via bank transfer.
The size of the pitch is sufficient for a 3m2 gazebo. If you require more space than this, please indicate this on your application form.
You will need to bring with you on the day everything you need for your stall, including tables, chairs, gazebos etc. The fair will open to the public at noon and we will be on hand from 8am for setting up.
Please email us at to book a stall.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Eaves
Debbie Johnson-Wait
(Link opens in a new window)